Initializes and creates a VCS object, reads in the initial.attribute file and set up the VCS default values.
Note: The number of VCS Canvases is limited to eight.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
Gives insight to other VCS functions by providing a description and at least one example.
import vcs
vcs . help ()
vcs . help ( ` init ' )
Print out information on VCS objects. See example on its use.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
ln = a . createline ( ' red ' )
x . objecthelp ( ln )
Plot an array(s) of data given a template and graphics method.
import vcs
f = cdms2 . open ( ' ' )
s = f . getslab ( ' clt ' )
x = vcs . init ()
x . plot ( s )
This routine will remove all plots on the VCS Canvas.
import vcs
f = cdms2 . open ( ' ' )
s = f . getslab ( ' clt ' )
x = vcs . init ()
x . plot ( s )
x . clear ()
Updating of the graphical displays on the VCS Canvas can be deferred until a later time.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
x . mode = 0
If a series of commands are given to VCS and the Canvas Mode is set to manual, then use this function to update the VCS Canvas manually.
import vcs
f = cdms2 . open ( ' ' )
s = f . getslab ( ' clt ' )
x = vcs . init ()
x . mode = 0
x . plot ( s ' default ' , ' boxfill ' , ' quick ' )
box = x . getboxfill ( ' quick ' )
box . color_1 = 100
box . xticlabels ( ' lon30 ' , ' lon30 ' )
box . xticlabels ( '' , '' )
box . datawc ( 1e20 , 1e20 , 1e20 , 1e20 )
box . datawc ( - 45.0 , 45.0 , - 90.0 , 90.0 )
x . update ()
Open VCS Canvas object. This routine really just manages the VCS canvas. It will popup the VCS Canvas for viewing. It can be used to display only the VCS Canvas.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
x . open ()
Close the VCS Canvas. It will remove the VCS Canvas object from the screen, but not deallocate it.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
x . plot ( s )
a . close ()
Change the VCS Canvas orientation to Portrait.
import vcs
f = cdms2 . open ( ' ' )
s = f . getslab ( ' clt ' )
x = vcs . init ()
x . plot ( s )
x . portrait ()
Change the VCS Canvas orientation to Landscape.
import vcs
f = cdms2 . open ( ' ' )
s = f . getslab ( ' clt ' )
x = vcs . init ()
x . plot ( s )
x . landscape ()
Change the VCS Canvas orientation to either 'portrait' or 'landscape'.
import vcs
f = cdms2 . open ( ' ' )
s = f . getslab ( ' clt ' )
x = vcs . init ()
x . plot ( s )
x . page ()
The geometry command is used to set the size and position of the VCS canvas.
import vcs
f = cdms2 . open ( ' ' )
s = f . getslab ( ' clt ' )
x = vcs . init ()
x . plot ( s )
x . geometry ( 450 , 337 , 100 , 100 )
his function creates a temporary cgm file and then sends it to the specified printer.
import vcs
f = cdms2 . open ( ' ' )
s = f . getslab ( ' clt ' )
x = vcs . init ()
x . plot ( s )
x . printer ( ' printer_name ' )
Generate a gif file
import vcs
f = cdms2 . open ( ' ' )
s = f . getslab ( ' clt ' )
x = vcs . init ()
x . plot ( s )
x . gif ( ' example ' )
Generate a postscript file.
import vcs
f = cdms2 . open ( ' ' )
s = f . getslab ( ' clt ' )
x = vcs . init ()
x . plot ( s )
x . postscript ( ' example ' )
Generate a cgm file.
import vcs
f = cdms2 . open ( ' ' )
s = f . getslab ( ' clt ' )
x = vcs . init ()
x . plot ( s )
x . cgm ( ' example ' )
Generate a raster file.
import vcs
f = cdms2 . open ( ' ' )
s = f . getslab ( ' clt ' )
x = vcs . init ()
x . plot ( s )
x . raster ( ' example ' )
Converts a postscript file to a gif file.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
x . pstogif ( ' ' )
Generate a boxfill plot given the data, boxfill graphics method, and template.
import vcs
f = cdms2 . open ( ' ' )
s = f . getslab ( ' clt ' )
x = vcs . init ()
x . boxfill ( s )
Generate a continents plot given the continents graphics method, and template.
import vcs
f = cdms2 . open ( ' ' )
s = f . getslab ( ' clt ' )
x = vcs . init ()
x . continents ( s )
Generate a isofill plot given the data, isofill graphics method, and template.
import vcs
f = cdms2 . open ( ' ' )
s = f . getslab ( ' clt ' )
x = vcs . init ()
x . isofill ( s )
Generate a isoline plot given the data, isoline graphics method, and template.
import vcs
f = cdms2 . open ( ' ' )
s = f . getslab ( ' clt ' )
x = vcs . init ()
x . isoline ( s )
Generate a outfill plot given the data, outfill graphics method, and template.
import vcs
f = cdms2 . open ( ' ' )
s = f . getslab ( ' clt ' )
x = vcs . init ()
x . outfill ( s )
Generate a outline plot given the data, outline graphics method, and template.
import vcs
f = cdms2 . open ( ' ' )
s = f . getslab ( ' clt ' )
x = vcs . init ()
x . outline ( s )
Generate a scatter plot given the data, scatter graphics method, and template.
import vcs
f = cdms2 . open ( ' ' )
s = f . getslab ( ' clt ' )
x = vcs . init ()
x . scatter ( s )
Generate a vector plot given the data, vector graphics method, andtemplate.
import vcs
f = cdms2 . open ( ' ' )
s = f . getslab ( ' clt ' )
x = vcs . init ()
x . vector ( s )
Generate a XvsY plot given the data, XvsY graphics method, and template.
import vcs
f = cdms2 . open ( ' ' )
s = f . getslab ( ' clt ' )
x = vcs . init ()
x . xvsy ( s )
Generate a Xyvsy plot given the data, Xyvsy graphics method, and template.
import vcs
f = cdms2 . open ( ' ' )
s = f . getslab ( ' clt ' )
x = vcs . init ()
x . xyvsy ( s )
Generate a Yxvsx plot given the data, Yxvsx graphics method, and template.
import vcs
f = cdms2 . open ( ' ' )
s = f . getslab ( ' clt ' )
x = vcs . init ()
x . yxvsx ( s )
Returns the grapics method's type string: boxfill, isofill, isoline, outfill, outline, continents, scatter, vector, xvsy, xyvsy, or yxvsx.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
box = x . getboxfill ()
x . graphicsmethodname ( box )
Return continents type from VCS. Remember the value can only be between 0 and 11.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
cont_type = x . getcontinentstype ()
Indicates if the entered argument is one of the following graphics methods: boxfill, isofill, isoline, outfill, outline, continents, scatter, vector, xvsy, xyvsy, yxvsx.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
box = x . getboxfill ( ' quick ' )
x . isgraphicsmethod ( box )
Check to see if an object is a VCS primary boxfill graphics method object.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
box = x . getboxfill ( " quick " )
x . isboxfill ( box )
Check to see if an object is a VCS primary continents graphics method.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
con = x . getcontinents ( " quick " )
x . iscontinents ( con )
Check to see if an object is a VCS primary isofill graphics method.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
iso = x . getisofill ( " quick " )
x . isisofill ( iso )
Check to see if an object is a VCS primary isoline graphics method.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
iso = x . getisoline ( " quick "
x . isisoline ( iso )
Check to see if this object is a VCS primary outfill graphics method.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
out = x . getoutfill ( " quick " )
x . isoutfill ( out )
Check to see if an object is a VCS primary outline graphics method.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
out = x . getoutline ( " quick " )
x . isoutline ( out )
Check to see if an object is a VCS primary vector graphics method.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
vec = x . getvector ( " quick " )
x . isvector ( vec )
Check to see if an object is a VCS primary xvsy graphics method.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
xy = x . getxvsy ( " quick " )
x . isxvsy ( xy )
Check to see if an object is a VCS primary Xyvsy graphics method.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
xyy = x . getxyvsy ( " quick " )
x . isxyvsy ( xyy )
Check to see if an object is a VCS primary yxvsx graphics method.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
yxx = x . getyxvsx ( " quick " )
x . isyxvsx ( yxx )
Indicates if the entered argument a template.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
templt = x . gettemplate ( ' quick ' )
x . istemplate ( templt )
Query to see if an object is a secondary object.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
line = x . getline ()
x . issecondaryobject ( line )
Check to see if an object is a VCS secondary fillarea.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
fa = x . getfillarea ( " def37 " )
x . isfillarea ( fa )
Check to see if this object is a VCS secondary line.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
ln = x . getline ()
x . isline ( ln )
Check to see if this object is a VCS secondary marker.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
ln = x . getmarker ()
x . ismarker ( ln )
Check to see if an object is a VCS secondary text combined.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
tc = x . gettextcombined ( " std " , " 7left " )
x . istextcombined ( tc )
Check to see if an object is a VCS secondary text orientation.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
to = x . gettextorientation ( " 7left " )
x . istextorientation ( to )
Check to see if an object is a VCS secondary text table.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
tt = x . gettexttable ( " std " )
x . istexttable ( tt )
Returns a Python list of all the VCS class objects.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
x . listelements ()
Show the list of VCS primary and secondary class objects.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
x . show ( ' boxfill ' )
x . show ( ' isofill ' )
x . show ( ` template ' )`line ' )
Create a new boxfill graphics method given the name and the existingboxfill graphics method to copy the attributes from.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
box = x . createboxfill ( ' example ' , ' quick ' )
This function will create a boxfill class object from an existing VCS boxfill graphics method.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
box2 = x . getboxfill ( ' quick ' )
Create a new continents graphics method given the the name and the existing continents graphics method to copy the attributes from.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
con = x . createcontinents ( ' example ' , ' quick ' )
This function will create a continents class object from an existing VCS continents graphics method.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
con2 = x . getcontinents ( ' quick ' )
Create a new isofill graphics method given the the name and the existing isofill graphics method to copy the attributes from.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
iso = x . createisofill ( ' example ' , ' quick ' )
This function will create a isofill class object from an existing VCS isofill graphics method.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
iso2 = x . getisofill ( ' quick ' )
Create a new isoline graphics method given the the name and the existing isoline graphics method to copy the attributes from.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
iso = x . createisoline ( ' example ' , ' quick ' )
This function will create a isoline class object from an existing VCS isoline graphics method.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
iso2 = x . getisoline ( ' quick ' )
Create a new outfill graphics method given the the name and the existing outfill graphics method to copy the attributes from.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
out = x . createoutfill ( ' example ' , ' quick ' )
This function will create a outfill class object from an existing VCS outfill graphics method.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
out2 = x . getoutfill ( ' quick ' )
Create a new outline graphics method given the the name and the existing outline graphics method to copy the attributes from.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
out = x . createoutline ( ' example ' , ' quick ' )
This function will create a outline class object from an existing VCS outline graphics method.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
out2 = x . getoutline ( ' quick ' )
Create a new scatter graphics method given the the name and the existing mscatter graphics method to copy the attributes from.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
sct = x . createscatter ( ' example ' , ' quick ' )
This function will create a scatter class object from an existing VCS scatter graphics method.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
sct2 = x . getscatter ( ' quick ' )
Create a new vector graphics method given the the name and the existing vector graphics method to copy the attributes from.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
vec = x . createvector ( ' example ' , ' quick ' )
This function will create a vector class object from an existing VCS vector graphics method.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
vec2 = x . getvector ( ' quick ' )
Create a new XvsY graphics method given the the name and the existing XvsY graphics method to copy the attributes from.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
xy = x . createxvsy ( ' example ' , ' quick ' )
This function will create a XvsY class object from an existing VCS XvsY graphics method.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
xy2 = x . getxvsy ( ' quick ' )
Create a new Xyvsy graphics method given the the name and the existing Xyvsy graphics method to copy the attributes from.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
xyy = x . createxyvsy ( ' example ' , ' quick ' )
This function will create a Xyvsy class object from an existing VCS Xyvsy graphics method.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
xyy2 = x . getxyvsy ( ' quick ' )
Create a new Yxvsx graphics method given the the name and the existing Yxvsx graphics method to copy the attributes from.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
yxx = x . createyxvsx ( ' example ' , ' quick ' )
This function will create a Yxvsx class object from an existing VCS Yxvsx graphics method.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
yxx2 = x . getyxvsx ( ' quick ' )
Create a new template given the the name and the existing template to copy the attributes from.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
con = x . createtemplate ( ' example ' , ' quick ' )
his function will create a template class object from an existing VCS template.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
templt2 = x . gettemplate ( ' quick ' )
This routine will change the VCS color map.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
x . setcolormap ( " AMIP " )
Set a individual color cell in the active colormap. If default is the active colormap, then return an error string.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
x . setcolormap ( " AMIP " )
a . setcolorcell ( 11 , 0 , 0 , 0 )
x . setcolorcell ( 21 , 100 , 0 , 0 )
Run the VCS colormap interface.
The colormapgui command is used to bring up the VCS colormap interface. The interface is used to select, create, change, or remove colormaps.
The colormapgui GUI will only work for 8-bit 'Pseudo Color'.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
x . colormapgui ()
Create a new fillarea secondary method given the the name and the existing fillarea secondary method to copy the attributes from.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
fa = x . createfillarea ( ' example ' , ' black ' )
This function will create a fillarea class object from an existing VCS fillarea secondary method.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
fa2 = x . getfillarea ( ' quick ' )
Create a new line secondary method given the the name and the existing line secondary method to copy the attributes from.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
ln = x . createline ( ' example ' , ' black ' )
This function will create a line class object from an existing VCS line secondary method.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
ln2 = x . getline ( ' quick ' )
Create a new marker secondary method given the the name and the existing marker secondary method to copy the attributes from.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
mrk = x . createmarker ( ' example ' , ' black ' )
This function will create a marker class object from an existing VCS marker secondary method.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
mrk2 = x . getmarker ( ' quick ' )
Create a new textcombined secondary method given the the names and the existing texttable and textorientation secondary methods to copy the attributes from. I
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
tc = x . createtextcombined ( ' example1 ' , ' std ' , ' example1 ' , ' 7left ' )
This function will create a textcombined class object from an existing VCS texttable secondary method and an existing VCS textorientation secondary method.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
tc2 = x . gettextcombined ( ' std ' , ' 7left ' )
Create a new textorientation secondary method given the the name and he existing textorientation secondary method to copy the attributes from.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
to = x . createtextorientation ( ' example1 ' )
This function will create a textorientation class object from an existing VCS textorientation secondary method.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
to2 = x . gettextorientation ( ' quick ' )
Create a new texttable secondary method given the the name and the existing texttable secondary method to copy the attributes from.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
tt = x . createtexttable ( ' example ' , ' black ' )
This function will create a texttable class object from an existing VCS texttable secondary method.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
tt2 = x . gettexttable ( ' quick ' )
This function allows the user to remove these objects from the appropriate class list.
Note, To remove the object completely from Python, remember to use the "del" function.
Also note, The user is not allowed to remove a "default" class object.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
line = x . getline ( ' red ' )
x . removeobject ( line )
iso = x . createisoline ( ' example ' )
x . removeobject ( iso )
One has the option of using continental maps that are predefined or that are user-defined. Predefined continental maps are either internal to VCS or are specified by external files. (The continents type number ranges from 0 to 11.)
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
f = cdms2 . open ( ' ' )
s = f . getslab ( ' clt ' )
x . setcontinentstype ( 3 )
x . plot ( array , ' default ' , ' isofill ' , ' quick ' )
Set the default VCS primary class objects: template and graphics methods.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
f = cdms2 . open ( ' ' )
s = f . getslab ( ' clt ' )
x . set ( ' isofill ' , ' quick ' )
x . plot ( s )
Animate the contents of the VCS Canvas. Currently, only one display can be shown in the VCS Canvas for the animation to work. This function pops up the animation GUI.
The animation GUI will only work for 8-bit 'Pseudo Color'.
import vcs
x = vcs . init ()
f = cdms2 . open ( ' ' )
s = f . getslab ( ' clt ' )
x . plot ( s )
x . animate ()
The flush command executes all buffered X events in the que.
import vcs
f = cdms2 . open ( ' ' )
s = f . getslab ( ' clt ' )
x = vcs . init ()
x . plot ( s )
x . flush ()
Set the default plotting region for variables that have more dimension values than the graphics method. This will also be used for animating plots over the third and fourth dimensions.
import vcs
f = cdms2 . open ( ' ' )
s = f . getslab ( ' clt ' )
x = vcs . init ()
x . grid ( 12 , 24 , - 70 , 70 , - 150 , 150 )
x . plot ( s )
Set the plotting region to default values. That is, let the variable's dimension values determine the grid.
import vcs
f = cdms2 . open ( ' ' )
s = f . getslab ( ' clt ' )
x = vcs . init ()
x . resetgrid ()
x . plot ( s )