CHAPTER 6 VCS Primary Objects

In VCS, primary objects define what will be displayed on the VCS Canvas. This section defines two of the three primary objects and how to modify them dynamically in the system: graphics methods, which specifies the display technique; and the picture template, which determines the appearance of each segment of the display.

Note, to see the list of object attributes, use the list() function. For example:

import vcs


box.list() # This call will list the boxfill attributes and their values

isof.list() # This call will list the isofill attributes and their values

tpl.list() # This call will list the template attributes and their values
</tr> </tr> </tr> </tr> </tr> </tr> </tr> </tr> </tr> </tr> </tr> </table>
Attributes (or Members) Expected Type(s)
Object: boxfill (graphics method class name is Gfb)
name StringType
projection Either: linear , mollweide , robinson , or polar
xticlabels1 StringType or DictType
xticlabels2 StringType or DictType
xmtics1 StringType or DictType
xmtics2 StringType or DictType
yticlabels1 StringType or DictType
yticlabels2 StringType or DictType
ymtics1 StringType or DictType
ymtics2 StringType or DictType
datawc_x1 IntType or FloatType
datawc_y1 IntType or FloatType
datawc_x2 IntType or FloatType
datawc_y2 IntType or FloatType
xaxisconvert Either: 'linear', 'log10', 'ln','exp','area_wt'
yaxisconvert Either: 'linear', 'log10', 'ln','exp','area_wt'
level_1 IntType or FloatType
level_2 IntType or FloatType
color_1 IntType: (Range: 0 to 255)
color_2 IntType: (Range: 0 to 255)
legend_type Either: 'VCS', 'Pts', 'List'
legend StringType
ext_1 Either: 'n', 'y'
ext_2 Either: 'n', 'y'
missing IntType: (Range: 0 to 255)
Object: continents</td> (graphics method class name is Gcon)
name StringType
projection Either: linear , mollweide , robinson , or polar
xticlabels1 StringType or DictType
xticlabels2 StringType or DictType
xmtics1 StringType or DictType
xmtics2 StringType or DictType
yticlabels1 StringType or DictType
yticlabels2 StringType or DictType
ymtics1 StringType or DictType
ymtics2 StringType or DictType
datawc_x1 IntType or FloatType
datawc_y1 IntType or FloatType
datawc_x2 IntType or FloatType
datawc_y2 IntType or FloatType
line LineObject or (Either: 'solid','dash','dot',
linecolor 'dash-dot','long-dash', 0,1,2,3,4)
type IntType: (Range 0 to 255) IntType: (Range 0 to 11)
Object: isofill</td> (graphics method class name is Gfi)
name StringType
projection Either: linear , mollweide , robinson , or polar
xticlabels1 StringType or DictType
xticlabels2 StringType or DictType
xmtics1 StringType or DictType
xmtics2 StringType or DictType
yticlabels1 StringType or DictType
yticlabels2 StringType or DictType
ymtics1 StringType or DictType
ymtics2 StringType or DictType
datawc_x1 IntType or FloatType
datawc_y1 IntType or FloatType
datawc_x2 IntType or FloatType
datawc_y2 IntType or FloatType
xaxisconvert Either: 'linear', 'log10', 'ln','exp','area_wt'
yaxisconvert Either: 'linear', 'log10', 'ln','exp','area_wt'
missing IntType: (Range 0 to 255)
ext_1 Either: 'n', 'y'
ext_2 Either: 'n', 'y'
fillareaindices FillareaObject, or (Either: ListType, or TupleType [Values range 1 to 20])
fillareastyle Either: 'solid', 'hatch', 'pattern'
fillareacolors ListType, or TupleType (Index values range 0 to 255)
levels ListType, TupleType (Values are either integers, floats)
Object: isoline</td> (graphics method class name is Gi)
name StringType
projection Either: linear , mollweide , robinson , or polar
xticlabels1 StringType or DictType
xticlabels2 StringType or DictType
xmtics1 StringType or DictType
xmtics2 StringType or DictType
yticlabels1 StringType or DictType
yticlabels2 StringType or DictType
ymtics1 StringType or DictType
ymtics2 StringType or DictType
datawc_x1 IntType or FloatType
datawc_y1 IntType or FloatType
datawc_x2 IntType or FloatType
datawc_y2 IntType or FloatType
xaxisconvert Either: 'linear', 'log10', 'ln','exp','area_wt'
yaxisconvert Either: 'linear', 'log10', 'ln','exp','area_wt'
label Either: 'n', 'y', 0, 1
line LineObject or (Either: "solid", "dash", "dot", "dash-dot", "long-dash", 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
linecolors ListType, TupleType (Values range 0 to 255)
text TextcombinedObject, TextOrientationObject, TexttableObject, or (Either: ListType, TupleType, IntType [Values range 1 to 9])
textcolors ListType, TupleType (Values range 0 to 255)
level ListType, TupleType, IntType, FloatType
Object: outfill</td> (graphics method class name is Gfo)
name StringType
projection Either: linear , mollweide , robinson , or polar
xticlabels1 StringType or DictType
xticlabels2 StringType or DictType
xmtics1 StringType or DictType
xmtics2 StringType or DictType
yticlabels1 StringType or DictType
yticlabels2 StringType or DictType
ymtics1 StringType or DictType
ymtics2 StringType or DictType
datawc_x1 IntType or FloatType
datawc_y1 IntType or FloatType
datawc_x2 IntType or FloatType
datawc_y2 IntType or FloatType
xaxisconvert Either: 'linear', 'log10', 'ln','exp','area_wt'
yaxisconvert Either: 'linear', 'log10', 'ln','exp','area_wt'
fillareastyle FillareaObject or (Either: 'solid', 'hatch', 'pattern', 0, 1, 2, 3)
fillareaindex IntType: (Range 0 to 20)
fillareacolor IntType: (Range 0 to 255)
outfill ListType, TupleType, IntType, FloatType (must be less than 10 values)
Object: outline</td> (graphics method class name is Go)
name StringType
projection Either: linear , mollweide , robinson , or polar
xticlabels1 StringType or DictType
xticlabels2 StringType or DictType
xmtics1 StringType or DictType
xmtics2 StringType or DictType
yticlabels1 StringType or DictType
yticlabels2 StringType or DictType
ymtics1 StringType or DictType
ymtics2 StringType or DictType
datawc_x1 IntType or FloatType
datawc_y1 IntType or FloatType
datawc_x2 IntType or FloatType
datawc_y2 IntType or FloatType
xaxisconvert Either: 'linear', 'log10', 'ln','exp','area_wt'
yaxisconvert Either: 'linear', 'log10', 'ln','exp','area_wt'
line LineObject or (Either: "solid", "dash", "dot", "dash-dot", "long-dash", 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
linecolor ListType, TupleType (Values range 0 to 255)
outline ListType, TupleType, IntType, FloatType (must be less than 10 values)
Object: scatter</td> (graphics method class name is GSp)
name StringType
projection Either: linear , mollweide , robinson , or polar
xticlabels1 StringType or DictType
xticlabels2 StringType or DictType
xmtics1 StringType or DictType
xmtics2 StringType or DictType
yticlabels1 StringType or DictType
yticlabels2 StringType or DictType
ymtics1 StringType or DictType
ymtics2 StringType or DictType
datawc_x1 IntType or FloatType
datawc_y1 IntType or FloatType
datawc_x2 IntType or FloatType
datawc_y2 IntType or FloatType
xaxisconvert Either: 'linear', 'log10', 'ln','exp','area_wt'
yaxisconvert Either: 'linear', 'log10', 'ln','exp','area_wt'
marker MarkerObject or (Either: 'dot', 'plus', 'star', 'circle', 'cross', 'diamond', 'triangle_up', 'triangle_down', 'triangle_left', 'triangle_right', 'square', 'diamond_fill', 'triangle_up_fill', 'triangle_down_fill', 'triangle_left_fill', 'triangle_right_fill', 'square_fill', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 ,15, 16, 17
markercolor IntType: (Range 0 to 255)
markersize IntType: (Range 1 to 300)
Object: vector</td> (graphics method class name is Gv)
name StringType
projection Either: linear , mollweide , robinson , or polar
xticlabels1 StringType or DictType
xticlabels2 StringType or DictType
xmtics1 StringType or DictType
xmtics2 StringType or DictType
yticlabels1 StringType or DictType
yticlabels2 StringType or DictType
ymtics1 StringType or DictType
ymtics2 StringType or DictType
datawc_x1 IntType or FloatType
datawc_y1 IntType or FloatType
datawc_x2 IntType or FloatType
datawc_y2 IntType or FloatType
xaxisconvert Either: 'linear', 'log10', 'ln','exp','area_wt'
yaxisconvert Either: 'linear', 'log10', 'ln','exp','area_wt'
line LineObject or (Either: "solid", "dash", "dot", "dash-dot", "long-dash", 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
linecolor ListType, TupleType (Values range 0 to 255)
scale IntType, FloatType
alignment Either: 'head', 'center', 'tail', 0, 1, 2
type Either: 'arrows', 'barbs', 'solidarrows', 0, 1, 2
reference FloatType, IntType
Object: xvsy</td> (graphics method class name is GXY)
name StringType
projection Either: linear , mollweide , robinson , or polar
xticlabels1 StringType or DictType
xticlabels2 StringType or DictType
xmtics1 StringType or DictType
xmtics2 StringType or DictType
yticlabels1 StringType or DictType
yticlabels2 StringType or DictType
ymtics1 StringType or DictType
ymtics2 StringType or DictType
datawc_x1 IntType or FloatType
datawc_y1 IntType or FloatType
datawc_x2 IntType or FloatType
datawc_y2 IntType or FloatType
xaxisconvert Either: 'linear', 'log10', 'ln','exp','area_wt'
yaxisconvert Either: 'linear', 'log10', 'ln','exp','area_wt'
line LineObject or (Either: "solid", "dash", "dot", "dash-dot", "long-dash", 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
linecolor ListType, TupleType (Values range 0 to 255)
marker MarkerObject or (Either: 'dot', 'plus', 'star', 'circle', 'cross', 'diamond', 'triangle_up', 'triangle_down', 'triangle_left', 'triangle_right', 'square', 'diamond_fill', 'triangle_up_fill', 'triangle_down_fill', 'triangle_left_fill', 'triangle_right_fill', 'square_fill', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 ,15, 16, 17
markercolor IntType: (Range 0 to 255)
markersize IntType: (Range 1 to 300)
Object: xyvsy</td> (graphics method class name is GXy)
name StringType
projection Either: linear , mollweide , robinson , or polar
xticlabels1 StringType or DictType
xticlabels2 StringType or DictType
xmtics1 StringType or DictType
xmtics2 StringType or DictType
yticlabels1 StringType or DictType
yticlabels2 StringType or DictType
ymtics1 StringType or DictType
ymtics2 StringType or DictType
datawc_x1 IntType or FloatType
datawc_y1 IntType or FloatType
datawc_x2 IntType or FloatType
datawc_y2 IntType or FloatType
xaxisconvert Either: 'linear', 'log10', 'ln','exp','area_wt'
line LineObject or (Either: "solid", "dash", "dot", "dash-dot", "long-dash", 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
linecolor ListType, TupleType (Values range 0 to 255)
marker MarkerObject or (Either: 'dot', 'plus', 'star', 'circle', 'cross', 'diamond', 'triangle_up', 'triangle_down', 'triangle_left', 'triangle_right', 'square', 'diamond_fill', 'triangle_up_fill', 'triangle_down_fill', 'triangle_left_fill', 'triangle_right_fill', 'square_fill', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 ,15, 16, 17
markercolor IntType: (Range 0 to 255)
markersize IntType: (Range 1 to 300)
Object: yxvsx</td> (graphics method class name is GYx)
name StringType
projection Either: linear , mollweide , robinson , or polar
xticlabels1 StringType or DictType
xticlabels2 StringType or DictType
xmtics1 StringType or DictType
xmtics2 StringType or DictType
yticlabels1 StringType or DictType
yticlabels2 StringType or DictType
ymtics1 StringType or DictType
ymtics2 StringType or DictType
datawc_x1 IntType or FloatType
datawc_y1 IntType or FloatType
datawc_x2 IntType or FloatType
datawc_y2 IntType or FloatType
yaxisconvert Either: 'linear', 'log10', 'ln','exp','area_wt'
line LineObject or (Either: "solid", "dash", "dot", "dash-dot", "long-dash", 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
linecolor ListType, TupleType (Values range 0 to 255)
marker MarkerObject or (Either: 'dot', 'plus', 'star', 'circle', 'cross', 'diamond', 'triangle_up', 'triangle_down', 'triangle_left', 'triangle_right', 'square', 'diamond_fill', 'triangle_up_fill', 'triangle_down_fill', 'triangle_left_fill', 'triangle_right_fill', 'square_fill', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 ,15, 16, 17
markercolor IntType: (Range 0 to 255)
markersize IntType: (Range 1 to 300)
Object: template</td> (Picture Template class name is P)
Member: file
priority IntType
x IntType, FloatType
y IntType, FloatType
texttable TexttableObject, StringType
textorientation TextorientationObject, StringType
Member: function
priority IntType
x IntType, FloatType
y IntType, FloatType
texttable TexttableObject, StringType
textorientation TextorientationObject, StringType
Member: logicalmask
priority IntType
x IntType, FloatType
y IntType, FloatType
texttable TexttableObject, StringType
textorientation TextorientationObject, StringType
Member: transformation
priority IntType
x IntType, FloatType
y IntType, FloatType
texttable TexttableObject, StringType
textorientation TextorientationObject, StringType
Member: source
priority IntType
x IntType, FloatType
y IntType, FloatType
texttable TexttableObject, StringType
textorientation TextorientationObject, StringType
Member: dataname
priority IntType
x IntType, FloatType
y IntType, FloatType
texttable TexttableObject, StringType
textorientation TextorientationObject, StringType
Member: title
priority IntType
x IntType, FloatType
y IntType, FloatType
texttable TexttableObject, StringType
textorientation TextorientationObject, StringType
Member: units
priority IntType
x IntType, FloatType
y IntType, FloatType
texttable TexttableObject, StringType
textorientation TextorientationObject, StringType
Member: crdate
priority IntType
x IntType, FloatType
y IntType, FloatType
texttable TexttableObject, StringType
textorientation TextorientationObject, StringType
Member: crtime
priority IntType
x IntType, FloatType
y IntType, FloatType
texttable TexttableObject, StringType
textorientation TextorientationObject, StringType
Member: comment1
priority IntType
x IntType, FloatType
y IntType, FloatType
texttable TexttableObject, StringType
textorientation TextorientationObject, StringType
Member: comment2
priority IntType
x IntType, FloatType
y IntType, FloatType
texttable TexttableObject, StringType
textorientation TextorientationObject, StringType
Member: comment3
priority IntType
x IntType, FloatType
y IntType, FloatType
texttable TexttableObject, StringType
textorientation TextorientationObject, StringType
Member: comment4
priority IntType
x IntType, FloatType
y IntType, FloatType
texttable TexttableObject, StringType
textorientation TextorientationObject, StringType
Member: xname
priority IntType
x IntType, FloatType
y IntType, FloatType
texttable TexttableObject, StringType
textorientation TextorientationObject, StringType
Member: yname
priority IntType
x IntType, FloatType
y IntType, FloatType
texttable TexttableObject, StringType
textorientation TextorientationObject, StringType
Member: zname
priority IntType
x IntType, FloatType
y IntType, FloatType
texttable TexttableObject, StringType
textorientation TextorientationObject, StringType
Member: tname
priority IntType
x IntType, FloatType
y IntType, FloatType
texttable TexttableObject, StringType
textorientation TextorientationObject, StringType
Member: xunits
priority IntType
x IntType, FloatType
y IntType, FloatType
texttable TexttableObject, StringType
textorientation TextorientationObject, StringType
Member: yunits
priority IntType
x IntType, FloatType
y IntType, FloatType
texttable TexttableObject, StringType
textorientation TextorientationObject, StringType
Member: zunits
priority IntType
x IntType, FloatType
y IntType, FloatType
texttable TexttableObject, StringType
textorientation TextorientationObject, StringType
Member: tunits
priority IntType
x IntType, FloatType
y IntType, FloatType
texttable TexttableObject, StringType
textorientation TextorientationObject, StringType
Member: xvalue
priority IntType
x IntType, FloatType
y IntType, FloatType
format Currently not able to set
texttable TexttableObject, StringType
textorientation TextorientationObject, StringType
Member: yvalue
priority IntType
x IntType, FloatType
y IntType, FloatType
format Currently not able to set
texttable TexttableObject, StringType
textorientation TextorientationObject, StringType
Member: zvalue
priority IntType
x IntType, FloatType
y IntType, FloatType
format Currently not able to set
texttable TexttableObject, StringType
textorientation TextorientationObject, StringType
Member: tvalue
priority IntType
x IntType, FloatType
y IntType, FloatType
format Currently not able to set
texttable TexttableObject, StringType
textorientation TextorientationObject, StringType
Member: mean
priority IntType
x IntType, FloatType
y IntType, FloatType
format Currently not able to set
texttable TexttableObject, StringType
textorientation TextorientationObject, StringType
Member: min
priority IntType
x IntType, FloatType
y IntType, FloatType
format Currently not able to set
texttable TexttableObject, StringType
textorientation TextorientationObject, StringType
Member: max
priority IntType
x IntType, FloatType
y IntType, FloatType
format Currently not able to set
texttable TexttableObject, StringType
textorientation TextorientationObject, StringType
Member: xtic1
priority IntType
y1 IntType, FloatType
y2 IntType, FloatType
line LineObject, StringType
Member: xtic2
priority IntType
y1 IntType, FloatType
y2 IntType, FloatType
line LineObject, StringType
Member: xmintic1
priority IntType
y1 IntType, FloatType
y2 IntType, FloatType
line LineObject, StringType
Member: xmintic2
priority IntType
y1 IntType, FloatType
y2 IntType, FloatType
line LineObject, StringType
Member: ytic1
priority IntType
x1 IntType, FloatType
x2 IntType, FloatType
line LineObject, StringType
Member: ytic2
priority IntType
x1 IntType, FloatType
x2 IntType, FloatType
line LineObject, StringType
Member: ymintic1
priority IntType
x1 IntType, FloatType
x2 IntType, FloatType
line LineObject, StringType
Member: ymintic2
priority IntType
x1 IntType, FloatType
x2 IntType, FloatType
line LineObject, StringType
Member: xlabel1
priority IntType
y IntType, FloatType
texttable TexttableObject, StringType
textorientation TextorientationObject, StringType
Member: xlabel2
priority IntType
y IntType, FloatType
texttable TexttableObject, StringType
textorientation TextorientationObject, StringType
Member: ylabel1
priority IntType
x IntType, FloatType
texttable TexttableObject, StringType
textorientation TextorientationObject, StringType
Member: ylabel2
priority IntType
x IntType, FloatType
texttable TexttableObject, StringType
textorientation TextorientationObject, StringType
Member: box1
priority IntType
x1 IntType, FloatType
y1 IntType, FloatType
x2 IntType, FloatType
y2 IntType, FloatType
line LineObject, StringType
Member: box2
priority IntType
x1 IntType, FloatType
y1 IntType, FloatType
x2 IntType, FloatType
y2 IntType, FloatType
line LineObject, StringType
Member: box3
priority IntType
x1 IntType, FloatType
y1 IntType, FloatType
x2 IntType, FloatType
y2 IntType, FloatType
line LineObject, StringType
Member: box4
priority IntType
x1 IntType, FloatType
y1 IntType, FloatType
x2 IntType, FloatType
y2 IntType, FloatType
line LineObject, StringType
Member: line1
priority IntType
x1 IntType, FloatType
y1 IntType, FloatType
x2 IntType, FloatType
y2 IntType, FloatType
line LineObject, StringType
Member: line2
priority IntType
x1 IntType, FloatType
y1 IntType, FloatType
x2 IntType, FloatType
y2 IntType, FloatType
line LineObject, StringType
Member: line3
priority IntType
x1 IntType, FloatType
y1 IntType, FloatType
x2 IntType, FloatType
y2 IntType, FloatType
line LineObject, StringType
Member: line4
priority IntType
x1 IntType, FloatType
y1 IntType, FloatType
x2 IntType, FloatType
y2 IntType, FloatType
line LineObject, StringType
Member: legend
priority IntType
x1 IntType, FloatType
y1 IntType, FloatType
x2 IntType, FloatType
y2 IntType, FloatType
line LineObject, StringType
texttable TexttableObject, StringType
textorientation TextorientationObject, StringType
Member: data
priority IntType
x1 IntType, FloatType
y1 IntType, FloatType
x2 IntType, FloatType
y2 IntType, FloatType
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